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Maximize Your AI Potential: White-Labeling vs Building from Scratch

Read Time 4 mins | Written by: Anoop

White-labled AI Software


Given all the noise and hype around AI (Artificial Intelligence) and its possible impact on business across the board, people are rightly excited and terrified about the possibilities. Excited about the efficiencies, cost savings and the high impact it's going to have on the business outputs; on the flip side terrified about missing the train or entering too early, security issues and industry adoption.


Now, neither there is a right or wrong answer nor there is a sure-shot framework to get you to adopt the technology or not. 


But there is a way to minimize your exposure and still reap the benefits of an early adopter.


White Labelling


Not everyone needs to build their own AI (Artificial Intelligence) solution (Chatbot /co-pilot/ virtual assistant etc.). It takes a dedicated workforce and a lot of dollars to build a working solution that is reliable and accurate most of the time. 


So what is White labeling? 


White labeling is when one company makes a product or service, and another company puts its own brand on it and sells it as if it's their own. It's a way for businesses to offer products or services without creating them from scratch, saving time and money.


We’ve seen this time and again in our day-to-day lives. For example your Amazon Basics products, most of the Eye Frames, Ticketing and Streaming platforms etc.


Now, what are the benefits of White labeling a SaaS product?


  • Cost Efficiency: You don’t have to invest upfront to reap the benefits.
  • Time Savings: Easily deployable, plug-and-play solutions available
  • Customization: Depending on the product/service and the provider customization can be baked in for your use case
  • Market Entry: Easy market entry
  • Focus on Core competencies: You can focus on your business rather than investing time and dollars in such products/services
  • Scalability: Easily scalable with the support of the proper provider
  • Quick reaction to market trends: If the product/service is working you can scale quickly and if the adoption is really poor you can minimize your losses and react quickly without any major impact on your core business.


Who should consider white-labeling SaaS solutions?


SMBs and Enterprises alike can consider white-labeled SaaS solutions. In the context of AI (Artificial Intelligence) use cases, it makes more sense for the firms to be an early adopter than a laggard. 


Every decade or so there comes a defining technology, for example Cloud. While people hesitate or doubt, these technologies are too big and powerful to ignore. AI falls under this bucket. Businesses can stay in doubt or go all in, but eventually, they’ll have to adopt and White Labelling offers an easy & minimal-risk approach with very little upfront investment.


I’m not saying this is the only way and the right way of adopting, but for the majority of the players for whom this Tech is not the core business, it makes sense. White labelling also has its inherent disadvantages like Brand control, Dependence on provider/supplier, rigidity in offerings, and risk of provider or supplier failure with some due diligence businesses can minimize these risks and reap the maximum benefit.


Does have a white labelled solution? If yes, how is it different?


At, we offer a mixture of white labeling, customization, Annual Maintenance, and the option to upgrade to the latest versions. This ensures the flexibility of a white-labeled product but also gives you control and minimizes the rigidity of a COTS product. Our support services ensure Zero downtime and our plug-and-play style of product delivery fits seamlessly into your business.

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Contact us  for more information on the White labeling solution offering.

TalktoData Will Help You Do Your Data Analysis With Little Effort.
